Guest Family?
The perfect match with the right host family
If you want to host an au pair, you should be open-minded and curious and treat other cultures with respect and tolerance. In the family German should be spoken as the preferred language. A lockable room should also be available in which the au pair can set up for a year. The host family takes out health insurance for the au pair.
Ideally, the au pair will be integrated into the family routine and will feel like a member of the family.
Both everyday life and family get-togethers or joint excursions help the au pair to get to know the new culture as authentically as possible.
The host family is open to questions and assistance and willing to lend a helping hand and listen to any problems that may arise.

WIN-WIN Situation
The bond between an au pair and his/her host family is the the breeding ground on which new things can flourish – on both sides. Because then everyone benefits from the other.
Would you like to host an au pair and feel like you are up for the challenge?
I would be happy to advise you in a personal meeting about the au pair contract, au pair insurance and get you in touch with a suitable au pair. I‘ll guide you hroughout the whole process.
Contact me today. I’m looking forward to our conversation.
Your Lycien